I went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Sunday. The concert was amazing. I have been a fan of theirs for years, and I went to go see them a couple of years back. This past concert was the best concert that I've ever been to by any artist, period.
What really made the experience for me was seeing Anna Phoebe perform along with TSO. I had never ever heard of her until that day. She just brought so much energy, so much... life, to an already energetic group of performers. She is a violinist from England who does the same kind of music that TSO does (classical music done the hard rock way and vice versa; she does a great Led Zeppelin cover on her website. Or, rather, she did. But I guess she changed the website around within the past couple of days http://annaphoebe.com/). I love TSO, so I know classical music rocks... but I never knew the violin could rock THAT hard.
Especially a pink one! I do have a secret love of pink in certain circumstances, but usually not in professional or athletic environments. But, oh dear goddess, that pink violin was AMAZING.
The piece that really got me, as you can see from the title, was the "Flight of the Bumblebee". I really don't have the musical knowledge to be able to articulate just how amazing it was. All I can say is "Holy Crap...". Especially considering that was TSO's second show of the day. They just... wow. The energy they put into their music is simply astounding. It's everything you loved about 80's metal hair bands, 90's grunge, Mo-Town and classical music all in one toe-tapping, heart-pounding, fire-breathing extravaganza.
Anna Phoebe is my new hero.