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Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Picture of Dorian Gray

I just finished the novel tonight. While I think the story was brilliant (the idea of it, the events of the plot), I think it was a rather poorly executed novel. Wilde seemed much more interested in describing the extravagances that Dorian collected than the sins that actually corrupted his soul. His sins were merely alluded to, never described. It surely must have been because of the time in which Wilde lived - explicit descriptions of the actions missing in the story would have been considered too vulgar to print. However, (and perhaps it is because of time time in which this reader lives) I would be much more interested in the down and dirty details of Dorian's corruption (which could be elegantly and classily described with enough art) than the rather lengthy and boring descriptions of the jewels and tapestries which fascinated him.

I have to say, I absolutely loved the character of Lord Henry (Harry). The quotes of his I found interesting are far too numerous to list and explore here, but suffice it to say that his sardonic, sarcastic, cynical view of society and humanity to be amusing and, sometimes, quite insightful.

The overall message I took away from the novel is that Dorian Gray was an empty page, a blank canvas; it was not from within that he was corrupted, but from the influences of those without - Basil and Harry. Much like the portrait took the brunt of the corruption of age and sin for Dorian, Dorian himself was the visual representation of Basil's and Harry's own sins.

Long story short - loved the story, the plot, the characters, but not Wilde's style of writing nor the topics he chose to emphasize.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Writing Fail - Life Winning!

So, more excuses as to why I have not been updating. At least there are some decent ones:

I have been applying to law school. I was accepted to Quinnipiac and awarded a merit scholarship for half the cost of the tuition. Yay! I am waiting to hear back from UCONN - but I visited Quinnipiac yesterday and really fell in love with the campus. If I am accepted to UCONN - they'll have to offer me more money to draw me away from Quinnipiac. :)

Steve has been working his butt off working for my parents, as well as pursuing his firefighter career. He finally for his EMT certification. He starts with ASM (an ambulance service) on Tuesday. I'm very proud of him!

I've been working really hard at the gym despite several setbacks. My neck, shoulder, and elbow have been giving me trouble. I've been in and out of Physical Therapy - but it is really helping. I'm feeling much better - probably about 85/90%. Just hoping I can get back to full strength by next weekend - it's our first rugby match against Northshore.

I've also been working with a new personal trainer; Melanie left Big Sky to pursue a new opportunity at a young athlete centered training center. It's right up her alley and I'm really excited for her. A little upset that she's leaving, because I worked so well with her... but I plan on getting the rugby team into her facility to train, and train myself when I have the funds.

My new trainer is a bit of a hard-ass, so far, but I think it's what I need. I got a hell of a workout in our first training session ( I was team training - by accident - with a young man around my age. I think he said he does some sort of fighting? I want to say UFC, but, I don't remember exactly). I think John (the new trainer) was impressed that I was able to keep up. My quads haven't burned this badly since college! It's not exactly a love match like it was with Melanie, but if he keeps working me this hard, I'm confident I will be able to achieve my fitness (and, oh yeah, wedding... blah) goals.

I've actually been running on my own, too. I know. Shocker. But since I did that 5k with Connie and she showed me her run/walk technique, it's really been working for me. I don't think I've been this cardio-fit in years.

Also started doing yoga with my friend Hannah. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying it. It's a really nice stretch and is helping me to relax. I'm hoping it will help to improve my flexibility. It would be nice to actually be able to touch my heels to my butt again... 

And it's all been working, despite the afore mentioned setbacks. I've lost six pounds since January, and I'm finally starting to slim down up top. It makes me a little self conscious about my belly - but, it's really not looking too bad. Back down to a size 10 - even a size 8 in certain brands.

Really excited to go back to school. Really excited to be playing rugby again. And really proud and excited for Steve. Overall, feeling pretty good. Life seems to be on track.

And... oh yeah... wedding planning is okay. Blech.