Sorry it's been so long. Work is absolutely crazy and I've frankly been debating whether it is a smart idea to keep this up. It wouldn't be ethical to write about what the kids do for the most part (maybe some of the REALLY funny stories will be okay) and since school basically takes over my life... well, you can see the problem.
So, I've decided, I'm going to try to NOT write about school. I tend to rant, and I can foresee certain topics coming back to bite me sometime in the future... so best to just avoid anything like that. I'm going to limit this blog to (I hope) funny things that happen to me or between my coworkers and me away from school. Since I work about 12-15 hours a day, that might be a little difficult, so apologies far in advance if the posts tend to be sporatic from now on.
The primary reason why I decided to start this up again, however, has to do with what happened today. It was so epically stupid that I simply not allow it to go by undocumented.
So, last week P reimbursed me for buying some soccer equipment and goodies for a tournament we had at school. I went to go cash the check last Tuesday (which was a VERY bad day - two kids were expelled and I was sort of a wreck) and ended up losing it somehow. I still don't quite know what happened, but given the state I was in, what most likely occurred is that I placed the check on the counter with the intention of endorsing it, got on my cellphone, completely forgot I had already taken the check out of my pocket, then panicked when I found it was no longer in my pocket, and went running through the streets of Hartford looking for it. Knowing me, that could very well have been the case.
I ran back to school and told P to put a stop payment on it and asked if he could cut me a new one. He said he had to talk to the accountants first. The next day, he tells me that the bank called and they have my check. I just have to go pick it up. Yay!
I didn't get a chance to go to the bank last week, so I had to wait until today. So, I go to the one I went to last time. Wait in line, yadda yadda yadda. They have NO clue what I'm talking about. Thinking that they probably shredded the check and just called to let him know that they found it, I went back to the school to make sure. P gave me a weird look and said "No, they definitely have it. Which one did you go to?"
"The one right across the street."
"Oh! Well, that's it. It's the one downtown. Talk to S- Green." (I'm not putting the full name in, because, frankly I forgot it... me forgetting the full name is sort of important...)
So, I go downtown to see Mr./Ms. Green. I find a Mr. Green. Again, they have no idea what I'm talking about.
"But, I was told to go to the Main bank!"
"Ohhh, you want our HEADQUARTERS. Not the one on Main Street."
Duh! Next!
"Um, there's no one by that name that works here. We did have two checks like that come in... but neither of them is yours.What account was it written from? Maybe we can check?"
Carp: "Oh, I think the account is actually with a different bank... Webster, I think."
"Well, there's a Webster right next door... maybe you should check there."
I walk in and am greeted by S. Green herself. Yeah...
Long story short, I went to three different Bank of Americas when the check was at Webster... which would make sense because that's where our account is. Wow. Yeah. I'm a complete idiot.
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