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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Carry On

I keep saying I'll start writing again... no day like the present, eh?

I'm not religious - at all - but, on day's like today, I find it's useful to count my blessings, as my mom would (and does) advise.

This week - well, the past few years, really - this week has been especially trying... an important deadline approaches swiftly that means a lot for my family's future, my uncle has started chemo-therapy to treat an inoperable tumor, and a very dear friend was in a serious motorcycle accident and remains in the hospital. On cloudy days like today when the dark clouds on the horizon threaten to open up and pour, it's hard to remain cheerful even in the best of times. It's damn near impossible today. But, in the words of Pollyana, let's play the glad game... (If you haven't seen that movie - see it!!)

- law school is done for the semester and I don't have to open another law book until August
- Steve and I managed to get two new rose bushes planted in the yard and trimmed the other two; my yard will be full of roses in a few weeks
- I've managed to work out/do something active/physical EVERY DAY this past week while I do the Whole Life Challenge
- I've been making significantly better choices when I eat; even though I'm far from where I want to be, I'm making good progress.
- Sadie Mayhem has been an ANGEL lately
- I seem to have that phantom abdominal pain beat! I haven't felt it at all since my surgery last month
- My knee still hurts - but, I'm getting closer to figuring that out, too.
- I get a new foster puppy this weekend who is absolutely adorable!

And above all...
- I have an awesome community of friends and family. No matter what, we surround each other with love and support. We'll get through it.

When you're down, you're not out until you're out of blessings, right? Carry on.

- Carp

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