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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sailing Adventures and DMV Fun Time! Part III

If this is a teacher's life, I can sort of get used to it. One of the board members has a sailing boat (I know nothing about sailing, so do not ask me what kind). He took us day sailing on Sunday and it was AMAZING. Except for the jellyfish. Jellyfish bad. But yeah, it was so cool. Being out there on the water is just so relaxing. The wind and the salt and the sun and the water just feel damn nice. Why did I not run away and become a pirate, again? We all went swimming off the back, despite the jelly fish. M and I got stung. Never been stung by one before. It's not as painful as I thought it would be. Just really really itchy. The water was lovely - but a little cold. Sort of stole my breath at first, but then I got used to it. Dodging jellyfish to keep warm helps.

But, back to the real world on Monday morning. We're going through actual orientation into the classroom now. Everyone seems to be willing to impart any pearl of wisdom they've got about teaching... except how to plan a freaking lesson. It's really getting frustrating. We've all worked with kids before; after four years of college one might reasonably expect we're well organized; and can figure out how to actually read what's in the damn teacher's manual... but what none of us has ever done is actually learn how to plan a lesson. That would be helpful... not making an outline of all the chapters included in the teacher's manual and what's in them. That would be called, I don't know... A TABLE OF CONTENTS, perhaps?! Jeez. I hope the next person will be a little more helpful...

And, oh yeah. Still don't have my fucking endorsement. M and I went today; waited for an hour and a half, then she found she has to complete an out of state criminal and driving background check and I still have more physical/medical shit to do. They MIGHT have told us that last fucking time!!! But noooo. Had to make us come all the way back to just to send us away again. Douchebags.

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