This is going to be a long post. For those with short attention spans... suck it up, buttercup.
We finally met the kids on Wednesday. I won't bore you with the emo-ish parts of how freaking terrified I am of fucking this whole job up; but it was really a reality check to finally see the boys. I mean... painting, and going to dinner, and lesson planning, and meeting board members has all been wonderfully service-oriented and adult like... but this was the first time when it really hit me. That I am a teacher. I am responsible for the intellectual and emotional development of 30 young men. Scary.
The evening had its funny bits as well. There was a reporter there from a local newspaper. I had already spoken to her earlier that afternoon, so she was done with me. But she hadn't spoken to the others yet. And they were fleeing from her like she ebola. Especially D. N and I like to talk, so we didn't mind too much. M's a little shy if you don't know her well, but the reporter finally cornered her. But D. Could not have been more nervous/grumpy. And he's not the biggest guy in the world, so he fits especially well into corners and behind doors, and basically anywhere he can avoid the person trying to find him. But finally, she had him right where she wanted him. Unsuspectingly grumbling to M and me in the corner. He had just said something insulting/funny to M that I don't remember. Big mistake.
Reporter "Oh hey guys. I think I've talked to all of you right?"
M "Oh yeah. I think so. But... oh, Dave! You haven't gotten your chance yet, right?"
Bwahaha. No escaping now.
Yeah, but that was pretty much it. All the kids and parents seemed cool. Just... yeah. I'm scared.
We went on a "spiritual retreat" this past weekend. I thought it was actually going to be spiritual, so I was a little nervous (despite working at a Jesuit modeled school, I really don't believe in forcing religion down people's throats. Your spirituality is your own business as far as I'm concerned). But really, we just spent the entire time on the beach and it was pretty damn sweet.
The car ride down was... amusing. To say the least. M and I were working late on Thursday night (we went up on Friday morning) and P walks into the office. We thought he had left for the day (which surprised us enough, since I don't think I've ever actually seen him arrive at or leave the building. I secretly think he has his own living quarters in one of the rooms we're not allowed to us. Damn that man is a work-aholic). But, he comes back in. And he has a girl with him. A very pretty girl I might add. Cue devilish grins and a LOT of ribbing as soon as she is out of the room. We were 90% sure from the rather tomato-ish color of his skin at that point that this is a girlfriend. We're nice and polite to her and he hurries out before we get the chance to embarrass him further. We tell D and N about this new development. First thing first is we have to find out if this is really his girlfriend or a cousin or just a pretty board member. Only one way to find out. Ask. Of course.
Everyone turns to me.
Carp "Why me?!"
M "You know! You're the one that would... do that sort of thing?"
Carp "WHAT sort of thing would that be?"
D "You know... be..."
Carp "Abrasively forthright and extremely awkward?"
In unison "YES."
Apparently I am THAT girl. So yeah, I asked him. We had originally decided that I would ask if that was his baby'mama. But I decided not to push it. We would be together for the entire weekend after all. So I was quite boring and simply asked "So, who was the pretty lady yesterday?" Might as well have asked the other way, given the stuttering and the blushing. Classic.
We stayed in Falmouth at a former teacher's parents' house. It was gorgeous. And really close to the water. Which was also gorgeous. The guy's mom was there with us for a couple of days. She was a Character. I mean, really, she deserves the capital C. Very in your face kind of mothering with a very strong Boston accent. As soon as we walked in the door she gave us all big hugs and started ordering us to relax. But not before she laid down the rules.
Mrs. W "Now, everyone brought two towels, right?" Cue crickets chirping. Cue also big long-suffering sigh. "No? Ugh. Okay, well I'll lend you some of mine. But you have to have TWO towels. One for the shower, one for the beach. No beach towels or swimsuits indoors and you have to use the outside shower when you're coming in from the beach. The salt wears everything down." This place is absolutely IMMACULATE. Each room looks like a thousand dollar a night hotel room. And there are boats and lighthouses imprinted on every lamp, pillow, blanket, wastepaper basket, bar of soap... you get the idea. "No boys in girls rooms. Period. Just don't do it." Yeah, that lasted about thirty seconds. None of us are sleeping with each other, but M, D and I are pretty close, friendship wise. "I really don't like alcohol. So just... no. Not in my house." Maybe fifteen seconds? There were more instructions but I pretty much zoned out after the towel talk. I know that we should be grateful for letting us use her beautiful house (which we all are...) but, rules? Really?
It was a pretty quiet weekend overall. Just sat on the beach and got fried. We did have one boisterous game of Monopoly in which I wiped the floor with everyone. Monopoly's not that fun, but it's REALLY funny to watch D lose.
Carp "D, I have hotels on 10 properties, own half the board, and you have one utility. Are you sure you don't want to quit?"
D "No!! I can DO this!" Have it your way, then. haha.
There was one awkward moment while M and I were swimming. We stayed up pretty late the night before just chatting (we're getting really close. She's awesome). We found ourselves complaining (at length) about N's compulsive shopping behavior even when it's completely unnecessary... and some other things. At one point we heard something crash on the floor above us and for a while we were paranoid that we were being too loud and keeping people up.
Apparently we were. In a way. N swims up to us, "So, you ladies had a nice chat last night huh? You were up pretty late?"
M "Oh, I'm sorry. Did we keep you up?"
Busted. Awkward. I don't think he was too mad... but, yeah.
It was a good weekend. I feel much closer to M and D and P. N, not so much, but oh well. Can't win 'em all.
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